Project Name : Modernisation of Nauru’s Consumer Price Index

Venue: Statistics New Zealand, Wellington

Date: March 3rd – 28th, 2014 (1Month)

Purpose : Upgrading and standardising our CPI processes and procedures including documentation, quality control will affirm our credibility to our users with a modern and trustworthy CPI system facilitated by a developed institution such as NZStats. 

Reason : As slightly highlighted above the project is important because it will improve credibility and with that it will improve user base but most importantly it supports our blue print for development the so called Nauru’s Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS 2009). The primary goal is to improve the Economic Statistics portfolio. 

Key outputs : Primarily we are interested in standardising our processes in the area’s as follows :

1. Improved, standardise design of pricing sheet with options of utilising any modern and viable technology.

2. Improved, standardise quality control measures with options of utilising any data entry software specifically catered for CPI

3. Improved, standardise output to accommodate in depth analysis, projections,  and capacity building 

All 3 recommended outputs are focused on NZStats system and processes which can be adopted into Nauru’s CPI system.