This is the first public release on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) by the Nauru Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The NBS has used partner country data and enterprise data to compile it’s IMTS on an annual basis from 2006 to 2015 and will continue doing this until such time it is able to source data from Nauru Customs1.
Nauru’s major trading partners/countries of consignment are Australia, Fiji and New Zealand. These are the three countries from which data have been sourced and after valuation adjustments turned into Nauru’s IMTS. There is a possibility that information on some merchandise, in particular those that don’t pass through these countries have not been accounted for. Omission of data, if any, is not deemed to be significant.
This release which provides statistics on exports and imports by commodity and country will help policy makers’ better plan and negotiate trade deals as well as develop relevant trade policies. Appendix 1 of the release contains 9 tables on imports, exports and re-exports and Appendix 2 contains notes to help readers better understand the terminologies used.